Authors |
Tumanov Sergey Nikolaevich, Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, first vice-rector, vice-rector for academic affairs, Saratov State Law Academy (1 Volskaya street, Saratov, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Globalization gives countries opportunities to exchange experience and consensual solution of arising problems earlier. However, with this globalization processes detect the inequality of the countries in the development of various sectors, which negatively affects the security of both individual States and the international community as a whole. Practice shows that the backlog of States in information-technology makes vulnerable not only to their status in the international arena, but also the safety of the whole country. The purpose of this study is to analyze the state of information technology capacity of the country, as the conditions and factors of effective policies for the implementation of the external functions of the state.
Materials and methods. To achieve this goal have been studied regulatory documents and documents of a doctrinal nature, which regulate specific aspects of documents with similar content, foreign countries, compare them. The main methods of the ongoing research are: analysis and synthesis, comparative legal, systematic, formal-legal.
Results. The study established that the level of development of the ICT sector does not fully correspond to the level of development of the Western States, creating additional national security threats and makes the process of implementation of the external functions of the state.
Conclusions. The author came to the conclusion about influence of processes of information and technological development on the work of the mechanism of external functions of the state, as one brought about by the globalization of conditions of realization of the goals of national security and interests.
Key words |
state, functions of state, the global informatization, the mechanism of external functions of the state, information of the threats to national security
References |
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